It’s All in your Attitude!

Ever been told you have a great attitude? No? Well let’s change that right now! The way we look at a situation, our attitude about it, determines how easy or hard that situation is for us to handle. If you are experiencing challenges in adopting new healthier habits, this list of affirmations is for you. […]

Fail to Plan, or Plan to Fail? You decide!

March is National Nutrition Month. Can you guess the most important factor in eating right? More important than antioxidants, grams of sugar, or even calories?With so many diet plans and experts proclaiming “This is the way..”, how do you get to your own way of eating right? What one thing can you do to ensure […]

“Ponder The Plate”

It strengthens my connection to all the people who help feed me and fosters gratitude for the ability of our Earth to produce such abundance.