Media Diet – Helping or Hurting?

There is a saying, “where attention goes, energy flows”. Ask yourself, what is the main theme of the media you read and watch each day?

Fear about uncertainty;

Outrage about unfairness;

Criticism about differences

Unless you seriously intend to take action based on “the news” or other programs, Ask yourself, “how is this information helping me”? Is the program leaving you feeling depleted or energized? Perhaps it’s time to consider different sources? There are lots of channels out there. Tune in to the ones that truly help you. Ones that focus on:

Positive things being done to improve the lives of others

Success stories of people overcoming obstacles

Ways each of us can become more self aware

It is important to be aware about what is happening in the world. But if you are letting those events dominate your energy in a negative way, you are only adding fuel to the fire. If you are unable to focus on a solution to the problem, let the issue go.

By taking care of your self first, you will have more energy to help others.

To see how a “Facebook Vacation” could actually help you feel less stressed, check out this article from the folks a Berkley University

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